Getting a divorce can be physically exhausting and frightening. It’s life-altering, filled with decision making and turbulent emotions. And, it’s not a journey you should take alone. Having a support system in place before, during and after can give you a...
You’ve said I do and now you have his and her towels, maybe even his and her closets, but what about the rest of it? What must you share, what is your own? First, it depends on where you live: in a community property state, or in an equitable distribution state....
Should an allowance be divided into spending, saving, and giving categories? It’s not carved in stone, but it could be an excellent opportunity for your child to learn the importance and consequences of how they spend their money, the gratification of saving...
It’s becoming more common to see custody battles over the family pets these days, but for the most part, the courts and prevailing judges look at our furry kids as property, not family. They are to be divvied up like our possessions you get the flat screen TV...
“I’ve learned that when you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock somewhere else.” ~Andy Rooney There is a hard truth in these words, one that is difficult for many to take to heart. Yet, unless you let go of destructive, obsessive emotions, there...
Use the radically transformative Conscious Uncoupling process to navigate the end of your relationship with grace, dignity and honor – with or without the cooperation and support of your former partner; and no matter how challenging the circumstances are surrounding your breakup – and create profound levels of healing and heart-repair. Your breakup pain does not need to be permanent -- Learn more & Register.