What every person wants is to lead a happy and fulfilling life. It sounds easy enough, but in reality it’s not so simple when life challenges us every day. The world in which we live today is filled with stressors, a constant barrage of them. Add to that life altering...
We’ve all felt it: flaring anger, bubbling jealousy, dizzying guilt. It can be triggered by almost anything. Finding a lone hair of the “other woman” clinging to your son’s teddy bear. Or sitting next to your ex at parent-teacher conferences....
Among the many assets a divorcing couple has, there is usually a house where the couple lived. If the house was bought during the marriage, the house is usually considered a marital asset (depending on where the purchase money came from) and therefore the house’s...
Getting a divorce can be physically exhausting and frightening. It’s life-altering, filled with decision making and turbulent emotions. And, it’s not a journey you should take alone. Having a support system in place before, during and after can give you a...
It was June 7, 2008. I should have been getting ready to go on vacation to Hawaii, but instead, I was lying face-down on my bed, crying my eyes out. Why? Twenty minutes earlier, my husband of seven years had confessed that he had been seeing someone else. And then...
Divorce is a difficult process emotionally and often financially, and it only gets more complicated for higher-net-worth individuals. More financial assets to divide, more issues to contest, and more to gain or lose. In order to reach a fair and agreeable settlement,...
Use the radically transformative Conscious Uncoupling process to navigate the end of your relationship with grace, dignity and honor – with or without the cooperation and support of your former partner; and no matter how challenging the circumstances are surrounding your breakup – and create profound levels of healing and heart-repair. Your breakup pain does not need to be permanent -- Learn more & Register.