The Social Balancing Act During Divorce

Divorce has a tendency to suck the life from you— it can be a chore just to get out of bed each morning. You’re dealing with an overabundance of emotions; it’s likely not a time that you feel like being social. You may want to hide away, feel unable to...

Using Reiki To Relieve Stress

Developed by a Japanese doctor in the 1920s, this energy healing modality is often recommended for people who are in the midst of emotional upheaval. The word itself means “universal life energy” in Japanese, and the practice involves a healing of the...

Equine Therapy

Equine Therapy Many of us have heard of guide or working dogs, but what about working, guiding horses? Using animals to assist in therapy has been around for ages, as far back as ancient Greece. But as a formal practice, animal therapy is a fairly new concept. A...

What Is An Uncontested Divorce?

If a couple have determined that their marriage should end, and they can mutually agree on all points of a final settlement agreement, it’s considered an uncontested divorce. Issues that they must agree on generally include property and debt division, custody,...

Sesame Street Offers Help During Divorce

Divorce is a tough subject to talk about with your children, and as parents you may not know where to start. What about visiting Sesame Street? Little Children, Big Challenges: Divorce provides the tools and information you will need when the time comes to tell your...