Keep Fit During the Divorce

About Health: 4 Tips to Keep You Physically Fit Under Break-Up Stress Charles Stuart Platkin, author of the syndicated nutrition and fitness column “The Diet Detective” and founder of, offered several tips for staying mentally and...

Does Divorce Make a Woman Look Older?

Divorced Women Are Often Faced with Many Stresses in Addition to the Failed Marriage Does divorce make a woman look older? Recent research suggests that’s true. Previous research has shown smoking and poor skin tone can cause women to look older. But a new study...

A Better Valentine’s Day for Singles

3 Ways to Actually Enjoy a Post-Divorce Valentine Valentine’s Day has a way of making divorced or soon-to-be divorced folks sad and nervous. Many are already dreading that day — even thinking of getting out of town. Sometimes a distraction like that can make the...

Change your World after Divorce

Redecorating after Divorce: How Feng Shui Can Help You Move to the Future Leigh Kubin tells the story of a woman who held on to the bed she shared during a long marriage with a man who cheated on her just to make him angry. Glenda Tooley recounts the tale of the...

Book Review: Money, Sex and Kids

Relationships: Tips to Help Married Couples with 3 Common Disagreements For more than 30 years, Tina Tessina has helped clients with their marital problems. The Long Beach, Calif., psychotherapist has written 11 books, including her latest “Money, Sex and Kids:...