Divorced? Try Arranged Marriage

Reality TV’s Next Topic? Not Food or Modeling. Now It’s Arranged Marriages Wanted: Singles — divorced or not — willing to wed a total stranger and have first year of marriage filmed and dissected by millions of television viewers. Sound like fun?...

What’s In A (Last) Name?

Should You Change Your Name (again) When You Remarry? What’s in a name or two names? Quite a bit, says a University of Florida professor, whose research found that more women are using their partner’s last name instead of their own. Whether they were...

Nervous About Getting Married Again?

New Boyfriend Pressuring Me to Marry. What Do You Think I Should I Do? Q: I am dating a guy who was married for 25 years and has been divorced for three years. He has grown or virtually grown children. I’m 34, and he is 48. He has many qualities that I find...