Relationships: Get Rid of your Anger if You Want to Avoid a Divorce
For some couples fighting is the fire that keeps their relationships alive. It lets them know the other cares. Many are determined to win a battle that never ends. Others try to right the wrongs they have experienced in the past with someone new. Unfortunately, this kind of behavior is doomed to failure. When we bring baggage from a former relationship into the present, all new relationships simply become a continuation of the past.
In order to stop fighting in our relationships, it is important to understand why we keep doing it. For some fighting is a fire that keeps their relationships alive. It lets them know the other cares, things aren’t really over, and sparks still fly between them. Fighting can keep these couples bonded, causing them to think about each other a great deal. Some love power struggles. They love winning and feeling power over the other. This makes them feel strong. Fighting can easily become a habit, something individuals fall into automatically and instinctively. Needless to say, fighting prevents real communication from developing. It is a way of threatening or blaming the other. Rather than really addressing issues, it causes a situation to remain stuck.
Mary, who was recently divorced and is now in another choppy relationship feels that eventually she’ll marry a man with whom she can fight — and survive the storms. I respect a guy who I can fight with, who can take me as I am. For Mary being angry, fighting and winning has become her identity. Without it, she no longer knows who she truly is. She does not see price she is paying for this kind of relationship or what toll it takes on all concerned.
Unfortunately, the anger many individuals live with on a daily basis can become crystallized into their identity. Once this identity becomes habitual, the individuals soon have no idea who they would be without it. Needless to say, this blocks out much of the happiness, flexibility, communication and intimacy they desire.
However, as long as any of us hold onto our anger and continue fighting, there is no hope of working the problems through or even truly understanding what is really going on. These are many consequences when we cling to anger and allow it to turn into our sense of who we are. It’s impossible not to receive the fruits of what you have put forth. As you sow, so shall you reap, is an immutable law of living. Although we may justify all kinds of behavior it is absolutely inevitable that we will experience the consequences of our thoughts, actions, and deeds. Depression arises, hopelessness and the inability to love again.
There are many steps involved in letting go of anger. The very first step is to realize that anger is a toxin. It is not a source of strength or power, but can become an addiction, a substitute for true power and wisdom, something that hinders our well-being and stops our life from going forward. When this point is strongly realized, then you are ready to take the next steps, which show you how to easily let go.
Whether or not your relationship is ending, learn how to resolve conflict and become partners in change. Discover how to create a blueprint for a supportive, constructive relationship, where everyone wins.