
We cover it all on the Wevorce Blog, from intimacy issues to getting through the holidays to selling your home after uncoupling. 

Equine Therapy

Equine Therapy Many of us have heard of guide or working dogs, but what about working, guiding horses? Using animals to assist in therapy has been...

What Is An Uncontested Divorce?

If a couple have determined that their marriage should end, and they can mutually agree on all points of a final settlement agreement, it's...

What Are Marital Assets And Debts?

When a couple marries, a form of contract is created that governs the possessions and financial obligations of the couple as a couple, not just as...

How Is Child Custody Decided?

For couples with children who are facing divorce, the scariest question of all might be, "Who gets the kids?" Before divorcing spouses auto-launch...

Wevorce Partner Event

Join Katherine Woodward Thomas for a free workshop
Use the radically transformative Conscious Uncoupling process to navigate the end of your relationship with grace, dignity and honor – with or without the cooperation and support of your former partner; and no matter how challenging the circumstances are surrounding your breakup – and create profound levels of healing and heart-repair. Your breakup pain does not need to be permanent -- Learn more & Register.

First Session Free

Each Session is a master class demonstration of the insights and inspiration needed to create change.

Wevorce Partner Event

Join Katherine Woodward Thomas for a free workshop
Use the radically transformative Conscious Uncoupling process to navigate the end of your relationship with grace, dignity and honor – with or without the cooperation and support of your former partner; and no matter how challenging the circumstances are surrounding your breakup – and create profound levels of healing and heart-repair. Your breakup pain does not need to be permanent -- Learn more & Register.

Need advice or answers?

No matter what stage your relationship is in or what troubles you face, our experts are available to provide you with answers.

Hear From Our Customers


“It really took all the hassle out of this. It got us to meet up for coffee and go over this like level headed adults. Very satisfied.”

— Matthew D.



“Organizes and lays out all the information needed for a cordial and fair divorce. Makes the process a bit easier and less stressful.”

— Jacqueline J.



“It helped my soon to be ex and I to come to agreements that we probably wouldn’t have if we didn’t have Wevorce as a step by step guide.”

— Candice L.