Mental Health: When Divorce Causes Stress, Create a Toolbox to Manage It
When it comes to stress-relief techniques, one size does not fit all. We each need to develop a realistic, personal stress management toolbox that works within our lifestyles, preferences and belief systems. Include lots of laughter and some form of creative expression, healthy nutrition, pleasurable exercise, time outdoors, time with people who love you, mindfulness and meditation. A gentle touch, honest relationships and some form of personally meaningful spiritual practice can all help balance tough days with something just for you.Here are a few simple soothers to start your collection:
1. Tense Tummy?
Release Your Middle: Softly closing your eyes, exhale old, stale air from your lungs. Now place your hand below your navel and inhale slowly through your nose, feeling your belly expand. On the out-breath, imagine exhaling through your ribcage all the way around. Now inhale, and imagine exhaling through the low back. Deep, purposeful belly-breathing oxygenates the blood, helps you focus and sends a calming signal, diminishing stress so you can breathe…easy.
2. Juggling …and Struggling?
Stress Is No Laughing Matter…(Or Is It?): A case of the giggles reminds us who we are inside when we’ve been acting grown up for just a little too long! Slinky…Silly Putty… Remember those? Go pick wildflowers, rent silly movies, color, play! A positive outlook and a sense of adventure, physical activity, supportive relationships and spontaneous laughter all boost endorphins, increasing the “feel-good” factor, and supporting the optimal wellness of the body, mind, and soul.
3. Got 5 Minutes? R-e-l-a-x …Fast!
First, clench your whole, entire body: fists, abs, teeth, cheeks (all four.) Squeeze your shoulders to your ears, curl your toes and hold it all for 10 seconds. Slowly release one muscle at a time. Imagine inhaling peace, confidence, joy…exhaling worry, stress and tension. Lather, rinse, repeat!